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December 2001

Karen's Comments

Greetings and Happy Holidays from San Antonio!

AFWOA is moving right along and into 2002! We now have a permanent Membership Chairperson, Dori Johnson, who has taken on the challenge of increasing membership to the 2,000 mark. She has a lot of work ahead of her and can use your help. If you have access to membership lists of eligible women, please share them with Dori. If you meet a young, or not so young, eligible person, refer them to our web site at www.afwoa.org or have them call me at 210-734-5635. I would be delighted to send out membership information.

We have taken steps to achieve some of the goals we set at the 2000 Reunion. Three wonderful, long time members, Anne Farrer, Ros Knapp and Liz Bustamante volunteered their time to assist The Military Coalition. This organization is made up of military related groups and works together to foster legislation that impacts military and former military people. It's a big step and an important one. We are one of a few "female" groups. We need to make our voice heard on issues.

The Executive Board agreed, along with a significant number of favorable comments from Membership, to institute annual dues. We will begin collecting them on 1 Jan 2002 and the payment period will be through March of '02. We decided to see how we do in '02 and then to consider some other aspects of dues e.g. Life Memberships and Sponsored Memberships for Elderly Disadvantaged Members. So many of you sent in letters, emails and cards expressing your support for dues. The number of you who also sent in incredibly generous donations was awesome. I am humbled by your generosity.

And speaking of generosity, I had a lovely chat with General Jeanne Holm recently. She told me about the WIMSA Chairs which were established to honor those women who served as Directors of Women in the Air Force. Each chair costs $10,000. To date, the Chairs for General Holm, Colonels May, Bobbitt, Trimeloni, and Gray are covered. Unfortunately, nothing has been done to fund Chairs for Colonels Emma Jane Riley and Elizabeth Ray. What can we do? Is there someone out there who will kick off a drive to raise that $20,000 with a substantial donation? If you are waiting for an opportunity to do some good and insure a place in History, Here it is.

As I close this year and this dialogue, I want to assure you that we are on track for Reunion 2002 that happens in September in Charleston, South Carolina. Plan to join us then.


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