Last updated: 28 June 2002

RE: federal long term care insurance program. There will be an open season from July 1 - December 31. All federal and postal employees and annuitants, and uniformed service members, active and retired, are eligible to apply.

Comprehensive information, is available at two web sites:

All eligibles have or will be receiving individual packets, but if anyone has not yet received one and would like to, they can call 1-800-582-3337.

Welcome to the Air Force Women Officers Associated page. AFWOA was formed in 1975 by a group of retired Air Force women officers who wished to preserve the friendships that they had made while on active service. Membership has now grown to over 900, including many active duty women. Active duty, retired and separated women officers of the regular Air Force and its reserve components are invited to join AFWOA. Our goal is 2000 members by the year 2000 - we encourage eligible women to contact us!

[ Board of Directors ] [ About AFWOA ] [ Membership ]
[ News (updated 26 June 2002 ] [ Reunion 2000 ]

Board of Directors

Karen Rankin, Brig Gen, USAF Ret ~ President
Carol Habgood, Col, USAF Ret ~ Executive Vice President
Jan King, Maj, USAF Ret ~ Secretary
Patricia Murphy, Col, USAF Ret ~ Treasurer
Michelle Raven, Maj, USAF
Anne Farrer, Maj, USAF Ret
Beverly LaFond
Dori Johnson, Lt Col USAF Ret
Gina M. McGuiness, Col, USAF Ret
Sue Wright, Col, USAF Ret

Bonnie O'Leary, Maj, USAF Ret ~ Air Force Academy Liaison


AFWOA's purpose is to foster comradeship through reunions, maintain ties between active and retired women officers, preserve the history and promote recognition of the role of military women, and lend support to women engaged in education and training programs. We sponsor the permanent Most Valuable Swimmer Award (Woman) at the Air Force Academy.

Reunions are held biannually in the United States. Members of the Reunion Committee and AFWOA Board of Directors serve as volunteers to organize these events.

AFWOA is recognized by the IRS and State of Texas as a non-profit, tax-exempt veterans' organization. There are no dues. Members' contributions are the sole source of income and are greatly appreciated. Normal expenses include postage and printing costs associated with publication of the newsletters, membership roster and reunion announcements as well as telephone service which includes an 800 number and E-mail.


AFWOA welcomes active duty, retired and separated women officers of the regular Air Force and its reserve components. To join AFWOA, you can complete and mail in (with a $10 check for dues) our membership form or forward the following information via email or regular mail to the address at the bottom of this page:

    • Name: Last, First, MI, (Maiden if applicable)
    • Rank (Present, Retired or Separated)
    • Status (Active, Reserve, Retired, Separated or Early Retirement)
    • Dates of Service
    • Address: Street, City, State, Zip (9 digit)
    • Telephone Number
    • Email Address (if applicable)
    • Husband's Name (if applicable)

Air Force Women Officers Associated
P.O. Box 780155 ~ San Antonio, Texas 78287

Forward comments or updates on these pages to: Linda Allen

[ Top ] [ Board of Directors ] [ About AFWOA ] [ Membership ]
[ News (updated 26 June 2002 ] [ Reunion 2000 ]
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